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Motivation: The Road To It

What is motivation? Motivation is the experience of desire or aversion (you want something, or want to avoid or escape something). As such, motivation has both an objective aspect (a goal or thing you aspire to) and an internal or subjective aspect (it is you that wants the thing or wants it to go away). This is the definition I got from Wikipedia. Basically, it's the thing that keeps us going. It's the why in our activities. It's the thrust that will push us to do more. It's that thing that will constantly be in our heads to be able to achieve that goal we've been longing to have. Since the lockdown back in early March, we all have been looking for ways to motivate ourselves to still keep the same routine and to adjust the activities that we used to do outside, except this time we're doing it inside our homes. It's never easy and trust me when I tell you that the bed is more enticing than you'll ever know. Being cooped up inside our homes for God knows

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